The Gory Gays

Videodrome (1983) [Audio Commentary]

Alex Marquez & Stanley Jacobus Season 2 Episode 26

Alex and Stanley are inserting their favorite gooey beta-cassette’s into each others stomach-slits this week (watch the movie) to slash up and bleed out Daddy Cronenberg’s visually stunning and self-aware horror opus VIDEODROME (1983) — starring a beautiful (but underused) Debbie Harry as a sexy radio host and James Wood as a producer of a sleazy cable network, both of whom become involved with a very scary underworld of murder and insanity and vagina stomachs. Only Cronenberg could make a movie like this! Listen to our audio commentary from Lonnie’s Board TODAY! We’re back next week with THE RAGE: CARRIE 2 (1999) to celebrate its 25th birthday! 

Join us with pressing play @ the 16:05 mark!

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