The Gory Gays

Mother's Day (1980) [Audio Commentary]

Alex Marquez & Stanley Jacobus Season 2 Episode 32

They never forget their mama.”

Happy (late) Mama’s Day to  all those Mom’s out there! To honor all of ‘em, we give you our audio commentary for what we consider to be one of the greatest horror movies to be made (for a number of reasons), and that would be MOTHER’S DAY (1980).

Listen to Alex and Stanley slash up and bleed out this fan-fav right now! The watch-a-long is available on YouTube… You’re welcome! 🥹

Press play with us at the 10:54 mark! On YouTube, you can press play at 8:54!

We're back next week with LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL (2024).

Stay gory, everybody!

- The Gory Gays

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